Hello Elementor + Hello child theme WP install

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“Say howdy to Hello, the fastest WordPress theme ever created”

According to Elementor website 🙂

What they have forgot to mention is that it is the fastest WordPress theme ever that is 100% compatible with Elementor plugin. I do agree with them, it is the fastest one, my website is build on that and it is super fast.

Now, what i really wanted to write about is how to install Hello Elementor theme and Hello Elementor child theme.

Why installing a child theme? Well, any modifications or code added to theme will disappear when updating the theme unless there is a child theme installed.

The first thing you need to do when you want to install a new WordPress theme is to login to your site admin page. Once there, go to Appearance -> Themes. Here, you will see all the themes you have currently installed in your application. To add a new one, simply click on the Add New button and type Hello Elementor then click Install then Activate.

Now that the first step is done we can install the child theme. The child theme for Hello Elementor is located here. You will need to click on Clone or Download button, located on the right hand side, and select Download Zip. After downloading the theme you will need to go back to Appearance -> Themes, in your WordPress dashboard and click on the Add New button then click on Upload Theme button, choose the zip file you downloaded previously and click Install Now then activate the child theme after the installation is complete.

Easy peasy, right? 🙂